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Ideal Plumbing & Gas Pty Ltd

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Specialising in installation of domestic and commercial projects. We work throughout the Whitsunday and North Queensland Region.

Projects we have been involved in include the completion of St Catherine's College Stage 2, the Reef Gateway Hotel Renovation, Jubilee Tavern extension, 12 Air Whitsunday Rd at Waves Airpark, Peppers Palm Bay Resort new homes, Capricorn Hotel extension at Blackwater and Whitsunday Shores housing estate in Bowen to name a few. 

At Ideal Plumbing we pride ourselves on delivering on time and on budget. Our experienced team of plumbers, drainers & gasfitters completed over 70 new homes in 2012 for various award winning builders.

Call us or email plans for your next project.

3/2 Myer Lasky Drive
Cannonvale, QLD 4802
Phone 07 4948 3550 or 0402 024 518
Added: 20 February 2013 1:57pm
Last Edited: 21 February 2013 10:00am
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