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Flick Pest Control Cairns

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Flick's Cairns branch provides pest control, termite solutions and washroom services to North Queensland. Our local pest controllers provide safe and effective pest control services in Cairns, with Flick being a trusted household name in Australia for decades.

All Flick Anticimex Pty Ltd (QBCC Act lic 54798) Timber Pest inspections are carried out in accordance with Australian Standard 4349.3 (2010) and Australian Standard 4349.0 (2007).

Located in the heart of Cairns in Portsmith, we provide pest control to homes and businesses all over Cairns.
- Mission Beach
- Atherton
- Port Douglas

We have a local team of experts who know your area and are able to provide a safe and effective pest treatment for your home.

319-323 Spence Street
Bungalow, QLD 4870
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Added: 2 September 2021 4:12pm
Last Edited: 2 September 2021 4:12pm
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